Charles Beveridge
Charles Beveridge is the world’s foremost expert on Frederick Law Olmsted. He is series editor of The Papers of Frederick Law Olmsted at American University and author of the book Frederick Law Olmsted: Designing the American Landscape.

Charles Beveridge talks about Vaux's Dairy

Charles Beveridge talks about the vale of cashmere and 'art to conceal art'

Charles Beveridge talks about the pastoral, the picturesque, and the sublime

Charles Beveridge talks about Olmsted and Vaux - the beginning

Charles Beveridge talks about Louisville

Charles Beveridge talks about Birkenhead Park

Charles Beveridge talks about Andrew Jackson Downing
Witold Rybczynski
Witold Rybczynski is the Meyerson Professor of Urbanism at the University of Pennsylvania and author of A Clearing in the Distance: Frederick Law Olmsted and America in the Nineteenth Century. A former architect, Rybczynski is the current architectural critic for Slate magazine.

Witold Rybczynski talks about shaping America's parks

Witold Rybczynski talks about Olmsted's early life

Witold Rybczynski talks about Olmsted the organizer

Witold Rybczynski talks about Olmsted and the art of landscape architecture

Witold Rybczynski talks about the influence on Olmsted's best park

Witold Rybczynski talks about Chicago's ambition

Witold Rybczynski talks about the 60's & 70's
Betsy Shure Gross
Betsy Shure Gross co-founded the National Association for Olmsted Parks and is the former vice president of the Emerald Necklace Conservancy. She currently serves on the board of the City Parks Alliance.
Arleyn Levee
Arleyn Levee is an Olmsted historian and board member of the Emerald Necklace Conservancy. She is a former chairperson of the National Association for Olmsted Parks.

Arleyn Levee explains why parks are so important

Arleyn Levee talks about the evolution of urban parks in the 20th century

Arleyn Levee talks about the formation of the National Association for Olmsted Parks (NAOP)

Arleyn Levee talks about Olmsted's parkways

Arleyn Levee talks about Olmsted's genius
Michael Dukakis
Michael Dukakis is a park advocate and former Governor of Massachusetts. He was Democratic nominee for United States President in 1980. He currently teaches political science at Northeastern University.
Margaret Dyson
Margaret Dyson is Director of Historic Parks for the Boston City Parks and Recreation Department.

Margaret Dyson explains who Frederick Law Olmsted was

Margaret Dyson talks about Importance of Parks to Cities

Margaret Dyson talks about "Plunks" In Parks

Margaret Dyson talks about Olmsted's parks as engineering

Margaret Dyson talks about Olmsted in Boston

Margaret Dyson talks about Formation of advocacy groups, Public/Private Partnerships

Margaret Dyson talks about the 60's & 70's
Alan Banks
Alan Banks is Supervisory Park Ranger of Fairsted, a National Historic Site and Frederick Law Olmsted’s former home and office in Brookline, Massachusetts.
Doug Blonsky
Doug Blonsky is president of the Central Park Conservancy and chief Administrator and Landscape Architect for Central Park.
Sara Cedar Miller
Sara Cedar Miller is the official historian of the Central Park Conservancy. She is also the author and photographer of the books Central Park, An American Masterpiece and Seeing Central Park: The Official Guide to the World’s Greatest Urban Park.

Sara Cedar Miller discusses Miller's favorite place in Central Park

Sara Cedar Miller discusses the psychological effect of landscape

Sara Cedar Miller discusses the genesis of Central Park

Sara Cedar Miller discusses changing the Greensward Plan

Sara Cedar Miller discusses The Park's Decline

Sara Cedar Miller discusses Olmsted Vs Vaux

Sara Cedar Miller discusses early days at the Central Park Conservancy
Morrison Heckscher
Morrison Heckscher is the Lawrence A. Fleishman Chairman of the American Wing at the Metropolitain Museum of Art. He is also the author of Creating Central Park.
Tupper Thomas
Tupper Thomas is President of the Prospect Park Alliance and Administrator of Prospect Park. She recently announced her retirement after 20 years at the Alliance.

Tupper Thomas talks about women and the parks movement

Tupper Thomas talks about the public/private partnership

Tupper Thomas talks about the long meadow

Tupper Thomas talks about the great thing about Olmsted Parks

Tupper Thomas talks about the beginning of Prospect Park

Tupper Thomas talks about Prospect Park vs Central Park

Tupper Thomas talks about Music Island

Tupper Thomas talks about Brooklyn Parkways

Tupper Thomas talks about Art to Conceal Art

Tupper Thomas talks about 60's & 70's

Tupper Thomas talks about 9/11
Arleyn Levee & Betsy Shure Gross
Arleyn Levee is an Olmsted historian and board member of the Emerald Necklace Conservancy. She is a former chairperson of the National Association for Olmsted Parks.
Betsy Shure Gross co-founded the National Association for Olmsted Parks and is the former vice president of the Emerald Necklace Conservancy. She currently serves on the board of the City Parks Alliance.